Okuapeman Senior High Rules, Regulation and Dress Codes


The school attaches enormous importance to discipline and therefore expects all students to obey all its rules and regulations. The co-operation of parents is key in achieving this. Acceptance of admission implies agreement on the part of Parents / Guardians and Students to go by the school's rules and regulations. A breach of any of the rules and regulations will attract severe sanctions.

Okuapeman Senior High Rules and Regulation

  • All bells must be obeyed immediately at all times
  • All school gatherings are compulsory.
  • Every student must be in bed during rest hour and observe absolute silence.
  • Dining hall attendance is compulsory
  • All dormitory lights must go off and silence observed immediately the bell goes at 9:45 pm for lights out.
  • Every sick student must report to the sickbay / clinic.
  • No student may absent himself or herself from classes, games or any activity unless he/she has a chit signed by the Senior Housemistress / Housemaster, Form master, etc.
  • Morning Worship and Sunday morning service are compulsory for all.
  • The right uniform must be worn at all times.
  • The staff-room, staff club house, the main office, staff house and the kitchen are out of bounds to students.
  • All money must be handed to the housemistress/housemaster for safe keeping.
  • All students leaving the school compound during term time must leave with exeat duly signed by the housemistress / housemaster and the senior housemistress / housemaster.
  • Every student must belong to at least one club and/or society.
  • Any unauthorized article brought to the school will be confiscated and given to charity

Okuapeman Senior High Offense and Punishment

Offense Punishment
Cheating in examination Cancellation of internal paper / Suspension / Dismissal
Drunkenness / Drinking alcohol Suspension / Dismissal
Incitement of riot / rioting Suspension for those pressurized in rioting, Dismissal for ringleaders. Parents will be made to pay for cost of damage.
Sexual Misconduct / Lesbianism / Homosexuality Suspension / Dismissal
Anonymous letter writing, giving false information, giving unauthorized information Warning, Suspension
Deliberate distortion of facts Suspension / Dismissal
Flouting the authority of/being disrespectful to the head and other members of staff Suspension / Dismissal
Assault on members of staff and/or their dependents Dismissal
Assault on group of students / homoeing Suspension / withdrawal from boarding house or school
Possession of narcotic drugs and usage, smoking and drug abuse Dismissal ( recommended for psychiatric treatment if necessary )
Pregnancy Withdrawal and transfer
Termination of Pregnancy / abortion Dismissal
Breaking Bounds / truancy including refusal to attend classes or official functions Manual work with counselling, suspension, withdrawal
Traveling outside town without permission Suspension, withdrawal from boarding house
Leaving school under false pretenses Manual work
Fighting / verbal assault Manual work / Suspension, withdrawal from boarding house ( With restriction in all cases)
Petty theft / pilfering / stealing Manual work / Suspension, withdrawal from boarding house ( With restriction in all cases)
Failure to write examination without justifiable cause Warning ( and in ) addition to be made to write the exams ( papers ), withdrawal from the school
Flouting the authority of school prefects or seniors Warning, manual work